Concrete Progress for Wilmington – New Castle Greenway (Literally!)

Making cycling and walking safe, convenient and fun in Delaware

Concrete Progress for Wilmington – New Castle Greenway (Literally!)

June 6, 2014 All Ages and Abilities Cycling Transportation Trails 2
Work has started (left) on the Route 13 underpass that will connect Phase 1 and Phase II of the Wilmington-New Castle Greenway. A rendering (right) of what the tunnel will look like when complete.

Work has started (left) on the Route 13 underpass that will connect Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the Wilmington-New Castle Greenway. A rendering (right) of what the tunnel might look like when complete.


Thank you, Governor Markell

• WILMAPCO Votes Funding to Complete Wilmington-New Castle Greenway

Wilmington – to – New Castle Industrial Track Greenway

Connecting an Orphaned Trail in New Castle

• News Journal: “State agencies draw up a dream trail for cyclists”

• Wilmington-New Castle Greenway: It’s the red route

•  New Castle Industrial Track – Phase3 Feasibility Study (DelDOT)

Archive of all past Bike Delaware articles on Industrial Track

• Like Lewis and Clark Reaching the Pacific Ocean

• Why are we hiding the Industrial Track Rail Trail?

1st Ever CMAQ-Funded Bike Project in Delaware History

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Eight civic and business groups call for completion of Industrial Track


2 Responses

  1. Marco Boyce says:

    Point of clarification.

    The landscaping shown in the rendering will not be part of the tunnel project. Once the entire New Castle Industrial Track pathway is complete, hopefully a ‘friends of’ organization will materialize to help implement some beautification projects among other needs.


    Marco Boyce
    Planning Supervisor

  2. Dave Mackey says:

    I’m looking at the form work in the photograph and was curious about the ability to access the bridge beams for inspection by DelDot workers. Will these beams be buried and rendered inaccessible, or will a point of access be incorporated to allow for inspections? With the emphasis on bridge safety over the past few years, combined with the recent I-495 problems, I believe that any project that has the potential to affect the Dot’s ability to inspect should be accommodating for this. That being my inquiry, I look forward to seeing the finished product.
    Thank you.

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